too; but to Phuket, Phi Phi Island, Ko Samui, and other places that are reached by plane. The current royal family has a large property on the beach near Hua Hin which cannot be visited by the public but the beach retreat of Rama VI is now a walk-through museum. The grandfather of Rama VI was immortalized in “The King and I.” The Thai/Victorian-style summer seaside palace was built in the 1920s with lots of verandas, lattice work, and high ceilings to keep it cool during the hot summer. It is beautiful.
John and I have been to this area several times usually staying atwhat is now the Regent Cha’am Beach Resort (it was once a Holiday Inn Resort). The hotels in the Hua Hin/Cha’am area are generally less expensive than those favored by North Americans in the other beach areas of Thailand and hiring a car to drive us from the Bangkok airport to the hotel is cheaper than airfare to Phuket and other places. (We prearrange transportation
with Sawadee Travel Company and pay on line.) We seldom run into North Americans at the Regent Hotel. The grounds are massive with impressive landscaping. There are full-size elephant topiaries at the entrance. Someone told us it was once part of the royal gardens. The hotel offers long-stay rates so there are many European guests who stay for several months in the winter. The hotel usually has a special cocktail party for long-staying and VIP guests. It is a great option to renting or buying a condo. We enjoyed the two swimming pools and extensive breakfast plus there are a variety of free activities each day from kick boxing to a cooking class to creative napkin folding. The Regent recently opened a hospitality school to train people for professions in the hotel business.